Thursday, September 2, 2010


so as many of you know, montessori uses the term "work" for what the children do at school, it's not play. they choose their "work" from the shelves, take it to a place on the floor or to a table, and "work" on it until they are done, at which time they are to put it away. "work" may resemble what the rest of us refer to as toys or play, as my husband did on our first visit to elsie's new school. pretty cute. he was told, "we call it work here." right, of course.

we've now been to elsie's school three times with her, the last two times have only been short visits and while she seems excited about the whole thing, i wasn't sure she was completely plugged into what was going on around her there. ha. until yesterday.

my mom bought her a new "toy," which is the updated version of what we all knew as the 'etch a sketch.' (oh they are so much cooler now, have a look.) she loves this new toy and we took it with us in the car yesterday when we met grandma and grandpa at the new school, then had dinner together.

on the way home, as elsie worked away at her new toy, charles asked her, "whatcha doin' back there?"

elsie replies, "i just doin' this work."

1 comment:

auntie kel said...

I clicked on 'have a look' and dang that 'work' looks pretty fun to me!