Friday, September 10, 2010

last day...

today was elsie's last day with her kayley. that's not to say that she won't be spending time with her bud, just not the structured three days a week she's used to having. there are lots of fun stories i could share about what they've done together with their time, like when elsie tossed her bunny out the open car window while they were driving down the road. kayley went back for bunny of course and rescued it from certain destruction in the middle of the road. or their visits to auntie kel, playing with the woofies and hanging with the thompsons. lots of snacks and lots of treats, lots of story books and lots of songs. a few naps.

mostly though, my girl has a very special bond with a pretty incredible lady that i believe will last forever. to elsie, she will always be "my kayley."

and kayley will always be my friend. we're all better for having had this opportunity. thank you kayley, you are an amazing woman and we love you very much! best of everything to you as you take your warmth, nurturing and love of life to other children - they will be better for it, just like elsie.


auntie kel said...

this is so sweet! we do love kayley...

Kayley said...

I just read this for the 2nd time and cried a little again.
Do you remember what I said to you before I started watching Elsie? I told you that the most important thing to me was having a relationship with her. That's all I wanted and now we have eachother! And now I have you too!
Love you both so very much!