Monday, September 20, 2010

day three

with tears in her eyes, "i don't want to go to cool." that was before we left the house. on the way to school, it was "i don't like my cool." sigh. when we arrived in the school's driveway, i turn to see her eyes brimming with tears. she's trying to hold it back but it's coming. by the time she saw the teacher walking toward the car, she was sobbing. mrs. gatchalian opened the door and tried to unbuckle elsie from her car seat, but elsie pushed her hands away and said "no!" my heart was breaking. when the teacher finally freed elsie from her seat, elsie reached out and grabbed a hold of the seat back trying to pull herself back in. she was sobbing uncontrollably and i almost couldn't stop my own tears. i just couldn't let her see me cry. "have fun at school today, i love you." mrs. gatchalian swept elsie away on her hip, carrying her lunchbox in the other hand. swift walk to the front door and they disappear inside. i pull out of the driveway, make a right turn, pull over and sob for five minutes. by far the hardest day of being mommy so far.

rest assured, when i checked on her via the classroom webcam, she was doing just fine. close to the teacher, but not crying. she even pulled out a mat, sat and did some "work."


1 comment:

auntie kel said...

Oh mommy! I am crying with you! It's such a switch from her routine!!! Poor Elsie.