Monday, January 2, 2012

simple toys

i'm sitting in my kitchen with my kiddo and my husband. i'm telling charles "gee, she just seems like such a big girl to me all of a sudden." i've had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time with her over last couple of weeks so i'm wondering if that's why she seems like a 'big kid' to me 'all of a sudden'. that makes me sad for a different reason.

so as i'm saying this to charles, elsie is digging in the lazy susan that houses lots of containers and lids, but none that fit with each other. she finds the salad spinner and wants to know how it works. her dad shows her with great enthusiasm. elsie runs to find some toys that clearly need a ride on the "salad spinner". this makes me giggle and then i'm thinking, 'well, maybe she's still got lots of little kiddo left in her." as i'm having this thought, charles is the one spinning the toys in the salad spinner with big belly laughs.

okay, is my girl getting to be a big kid or is my husband becoming a child?

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