Friday, January 6, 2012

family pictures

my parents sprung for family pictures for their kiddos this year as a christmas gift. as much as i hate having my picture taken (as many of you know), it was probably time since the last round we did was when i was 12 and i had horrible 80's bangs. horrible, seriously! (this is where i should insert such a picture but, well, i don't have one. honestly, i don't. i wouldn't keep that sort of treasure from you!) the kind where the top half stands erect in a roll and the bottom half rests on your forehead. nothing cute about this. why didn't someone tell me?

i digress. so these photos were very important to my parents, since their family has grown quite a bit since i was 12 and bryan at 15. boy am i glad we did this. (thanks parents!) if you are considering a family photo session, please talk with tara malouf (red thread photo). she's amazing. she shot kayley's wedding and her pics are beautiful (of course, kayley's a beautiful girl so that was going to happen anyway).

she captured some great pics of my mom and dad, and of my brother's family and his beautiful girls. but of course my favorite is one of elsie being, um, elsie:

anyway, if you want to see some of the others, well you can find them here. keep the comments clean people, this is family-friendly!

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