Friday, October 29, 2010

no more tears

she doesn't cry now when i drop her off at school. it's such a corner turned for us that it brings tears to my eyes. tears of happy! we had a very rough morning today after a rough night of not enough sleep. i let her sleep in a little and she still didn't want to get out of bed. then she cried and had a fit during her bath, actually threw cups full of water at me until i managed to wrestle them away from her. she didn't want to get dressed. after all that, i was sure leaving her at school this morning would be traumatic and i dreaded it since it's been a whole week of no tears at morning drop-off. but no. she got right into line with her classmates, waved goodbye to me and even smiled. sigh.

goodness how i love our girl....

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe she threw water at you. I'm sure you were so annoyed, but it's so funny at the same time.

I'm so glad to hear sweet Elsie is adjusting so well to school! That's such a good sign she's in the right place.

Love you guys!