Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We finally made it to the pumpkin patch. We usually accomplish this task much sooner but we put it off this year just being busy with other things. Carving hasn't been done yet, but probably later this week so I'll try to post some pictures of that funny business before Halloween.

Fall City Farms, our usual pumpkin fetching destination:

(just in case when you drove into the farm you missed the giant green field peppered with big, round orange things with stems at the top and seas of families traipsing around in rubber boots with wheelbarrows!)

riding in the pumpkin cart. so fun!

she was very serious about finding the perfect one. or two or three.

mommy, help me!

i can smell the cow from over here!

mmm, apple cider in a pumpkin cup!

I'm also happy to report that our girl is doing better in school these days. Friday was her first day with no tears. None when I pulled into the driveway, none when I walked her inside, none when I left. Sigh. I'm so proud of her! Today is her very first picture day so we picked out a special outfit (okay, I picked it out and gave it to her as a gift for being a good sport about school on Friday - she was no impressed with my "surprise." Oops.) Her classroom is celebrating Harvest this week so she'll be painting a mini pumpkin, carving up a larger one to peer at its insides, partaking in an apple tasting and making apple sauce! So fun!

1 comment:

auntie kel said...

You know I love this stuff!