Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i can't believe my girl. still no potty accidents.

monday i put a diaper on her for her nap rather than the cotton training pants i used over the weekend. the trainers were soaked after a long nap and she hated them, woke her up on sunday, which i guess is the point. but i wanted her to get some rest monday because she had that flu bug, so i caved and put a diaper on her. when i went into her room after she woke, she announced that she needed to pee-pee and that she didn't go in her diaper. sure enough, dry diaper. incredible.

last night while she was taking a bath at grandma's house, she looked up at me and said "need go pee-pee!" so out of the tub and onto the big-girl potty - the actual big-girl potty, not just her potty seat! after a nice long pee, back into the tub she goes. i'm so proud of her, i just can't believe how well she's doing with this. must've been as tired of those diapers as mommy and daddy were.

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