Friday, July 16, 2010

just so you know.

"dance minnis!" means dance music. she asks for it every time we're we're in the car. she means lady gaga, just dance. not madonna, not gwen stefani. lady gaga. just dance. nothing else will do. one day, after playing it over and over, i was done. no more. please, my ears need a rest. elsie says to me, "but aldie (elsie) needs dance minnis so bad right now!" i caved. (and thank you auntie trixie for mixing that great cd for us - and for introducing my girl to the dance minnis.)

another thing: there is a difference between "brown-nose demma" and "pink-nose demma." (in case you don't already know, "demma" is elsie's name for all of her most favorite bunnies, the ones we can't be without ever. we have seven of them.) she prefers pink-nose. when pink-nose isn't available, there are certain brown-nose demmas that trump the others. she'll pick up demma, look at his face and say, "no, not this one." um, okay. how about this one? "ya, this one! thank you mommy." melts my heart.

we're tackling potty training this weekend. ought to be interesting. her incentive for succeeding at this is a big-girl bed. she's very excited about this and lights up when she talks about it but she's not nearly as excited as me. i'm anxious to lay in bed with her to read her stories.

i know. she's growing up way too fast.


auntie kel said...

I would like to see pictures of dancing!!

iamtrixie said...

:o) i shall happily supply dance tunes to your daughter, as long as I don't get in trouble when she starts singing "how'd my shirt get inside out?"