we took elsie to woodland park zoo on saturday, 9/18, for the first time. it was a surprise for her after her first week at school. she had no idea where we were, even once we were inside. it was great fun and we had beautiful weather.

loading the pics here diminishes the color - the entrance is really beautiful...

elsie looking at the gorillas!

lil' birdie.

orangutan peeking at elsie from under a potato sack! very cute. and very big!

this little guy came swinging through the branches and crashing up against the glass. scared elsie to pieces and she refused to approach the glass.

the elephants!

oh my gosh, elephants are the best part!

that elephant is this big!

elsie's long-time sign for elephant.

komodo dragon. she didnt like him at all.

we also saw a brown bear and an eagle. so much fun!
she fell asleep ten minutes after getting in the car...
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