Monday, November 1, 2010


halloween with her bff, sophie!
elsie is a ballerina, sophie is fancy nancy. fabulous!

demonstrating some ballet.....

i sooooo wish i could take credit for these amazing little kitty pumpkins,
but this is all amanda. well done my friend, well done! gotta learn to keep up with the woods.

time to get the show on the road and get ourselves some candy!

trying to take a picture of the back of her head proves very difficult.
her hair just turned out so cute and i wanted to capture it!

this is frenchy, fancy nancy's dog. salish was such a good sport about this, i could not believe it! i thought for sure he would chew these things up instantly, but it turns out he kept it on for us. finally had to remove it when he decided to lift his leg and his tutu got in the way. oops, didn't plan for that!

second prize for pumpkin. doesn't beat the kitties, but it's a good one. can't take credit for this one either. it belongs to our newlywed neighbors, first stop for trick-or-treating.

"i'm getting pretty good at this candy-collecting business!"

this is one of our neighbors, caroline. most fabulous costume ever - peacock. she found it in a catalog and asked her mom for it. three years ago. leanne finally caved this year and got it for her. she was beautiful, she's a fabulous kid and loves our girls to pieces. absolute gem of a family!

It was great fun to watch the girls, their first official halloween together. it marks our first anniversary actually, of meeting peter, amanda and sophie. last year's halloween is a fabulous memory for us - the girls became fast friends that night and we made some new friends, too, who have become a very important part of our lives. we are very fortunate.


auntie kel said...

I love these pictures!! The girls look so cute! I did have a candy bag for Elsie in case she came over. Either Charley or my nephew Kevin stole it!!

Amanda Wood said...

Love the pictures - and love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, Salish likes to wear dresses *sheepish grin*
I for the life of me cannot figure out what that other pumpkin is though.
Elsie looks like she really enjoyed Halloween and she looked pretty adorable.
Cousin Bee