Wednesday, August 25, 2010

some things about my girl.

as my baby becomes a girl, her little personality emerges and she shows us some quirky things about herself that i think are worth sharing. i don't know where these things come from, but they are her and they are pretty cute.

1. she likes to have socks on her feet for bedtime. it could be 96 degrees and feel like a sauna in her room, but she wants socks on her feet. and she's adamant about it until we give in. "socks on!" ok.

2. elsie is a very polite girl (most of the time), saying please and thank you without much prompting. she's also picked up "may" rather than "can," from us and from her bff sophie (fosie) next door. "may i have some juice?" "yes you may." so when i ask her if i may do something she may not want me to do, like put piggies in her hair for instance, she says, "no yes you may." pretty cute.

3. bath time is stressful because she hates having her hair washed. hates the water dumped on her head, not that i can blame her much. she will actually stand up and bend so that her head is over the floor rather than over the tub, knowing i won't dump water on her head if it is headed for the floor. she gets mad and protests big when i fill the cup with water. stresses me out, which makes the whole thing worse. and it happens every time without fail. we're trying like crazy to teach her to look at the ceiling so the water runs off the back of her head rather than over her face, even showing her how to do this in the shower, but as soon as she feels the water on her hair, she straightens up again and the water runs down her face.

4. she's still getting m&ms after using her big girl potty. my intention was to phase this out of the routine, but she's 2.5 and we're talking about the girl's chocolate. she gets one for going pee and three for poop. and if you don't believe me, just ask her. i will only give them to her now if she reminds me because, as i said, i'm trying to phase it out. as soon as we're done washing hands she says to me, "i forgot m&ms!" oh did you now. and don't even try with the peanut or the peanut butter or any other kind, it's the straight chocolate she likes and let's remember that.

5. she loves to clean. she squirts the vinegar from the water bottle onto the window for me. and when i'm all done wiping the window, she does it again. (we're working on this part.) she also takes issue with crumbs or yogurt blobs on the counter. she makes us clean them up before moving on to the next bite, pointing at the counter, "mom!" she'll even wipe the crumbs with one hand into the other hand and place them back on her plate. i'm not sure i've seen a toddler take such pride in these things, but she's pretty anal about it.

6. "my mommy" is someone she likes to tell me stories about as though "mommy" isn't me. charles, elsie and i were driving in the car yesterday and she was telling us a story. "my mommy coming over today in my mommy car...i ride in my mommy mommy go work downtown in my mommy car." oh? she rattled on about this for the entire 15 minute drive nonstop, no joke.

7. when kayley comes over to take care of her, elsie hides her face. not all the time, but a lot of the time. as soon as kayley walks into the toom, elsie will put her hands over her face or she'll bury her face in my leg. she sometimes even runs to the couch or chair and buries her face there. if kayley talks to her, she'll say "no look at me!" ok. so kayley ignores her for two minutes and then elsie is begging for her attention, asking if she'll take her "upstairs to see my big girl bed?" this behavior is mostly saved for kayley, which is good because kayley is a very good sport about this.

8. olivia the pig. one of elsie's favorite books. she especially likes, "olivia gets up, and moves the cat, and brushes her teeth, and combs her ears, and moves the cat..." she belly laughs every time and often talks about it when she sees our kitty, josie.

9. she loves her balloons. i mean the girl is obsessed, honestly. she asks for one every time we go to the grocery store and sometimes even when we are shopping where they don't sell balloons but maybe have some on display for an ad (home depot). "can i have doom?" she asks. i've often told her, "no, you have one at home." today while we were out, she saw a giant display of balloons outside at the home depot. "i no have balloon kapuz i have one at home." very good my girl.

10. elsie is very affectionate. she gives me hugs and kisses all the time, and she likes to cuddle with us. when she leaves the house without me, she always says goodbye with a hug and a kiss. not just a hug, not just a kiss. she'll kiss me then say "hug too." sometimes she'll just come give me a kiss and say "lolo mommy" (love you mommy). she also loves it when her dad and i lay in her big girl bed with her when she first wakes up. she gets very excited and wants to "talk about my day."

she's really growing up fast, leaving all "baby" behind it seems. when she's tired though, or when she's in a situation where she's feeling unsure of herself, she grabs hold of her "demma" and rubs his ear against her nose. she did that when she was very tiny and no matter how big she gets, it will always remind me of when she was a baby.

1 comment:

auntie kel said...

This is so stinkin cute!! I love this. Little Elsie is growing up before our very eyes but we can treasure the moments of her babyhood. Oh Elsie!!