Monday, December 22, 2008

I've been remiss...

It's been a very long time since I've updated...and I've been scolded by many so here's what we've been up to.  Elsie started (and finished) her first swimming lessons.  The first lesson did not go well.  She either didn't like the water (very different from bath time) or she didn't care for the other children's screams of excitement as they bounced up and down in the water!  By the second lesson, she was smiling and having fun.  We unfortunately had to miss a couple of lessons in the middle of the eight week session because we were all plagued with the nasty cold, so when we returned for swimming it was like starting over.  I think in the end she will love the water, and we'll enroll her again after the first of the year.

First lesson...not so happy.

Second lesson with more smiles!

These pictures were taken during our photo shoot to get the perfect Christmas picture for our Christmas cards.  It's just not fair to plop her down in the front of the Christmas tree she's not allowed to touch, then walk away and expect that she'll stay put.  She was a good kid though, and we got some cute pictures.  Happy holidays everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love her!!! Even crying in the the pool, she is the cutest girl. Can't wait for Christmas!!! Love you guys!