Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas!!!  It certainly is different when you have a little one to celebrate with.  My brother, Bryan, came home for Christmas from where he's currently stationed in Mississippi and we spent Christmas Eve with him, Jennifer and the girls, as well as my parents, of course.  Grandma and Papa got Tonka trucks for our girl, and she loves them!  She got her very first tea set from Aunt Jen, Uncle Bryan, Brooke & Cassie, too.  All kinds of toys and books as well, but the ribbon, wrap and boxes got equal play.  Santa brought Elsie her first doll, which she was afraid of at first.  Fortunately Elsie and Chloe (her dollie) have become friends...but on Elsie's terms of course.  Two bunnies in her stocking made her absolutely ridiculous and giddy.  She ended up throwing herself onto the floor with laughter and excitement!  Christmas Day we shared with the Billington fam, and once again our girl was showered with amazing presents.  Grandma and Grandpa brought fun new toys and made a contribution to her savings.  Auntie Kel and Uncle Ed brought her an adorable scooter she can push around when she walks, as well as books and noise-making toys (thank you very much).  Elsie got an adorable Little People school bus that also makes noise (can't get enough of those noise-makers), which she adores.  Elmo was tied to the top of the package and she likes to have Elmo ride in the bus with the Little People students!  What fun it was watching her open all of her gifts and discover what each of them does.  She's enjoying all of them very much - thank you all!! 


Anonymous said...

It was so fun to be a part of Elsie's first Christmas! She is so cute and happy. I do adore her!
Auntie Kel

PJoyLynn said...

Wish we could've seen you guys! :-( Looks like she had a great Christmas...

Olivia says "what a cute little girl in cute little pictures". :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us be a part of Elsie's first Christmas. It was so special to see Christmas through her eyes - it's a totally different perspective. And, selfishly, there's nothing more fun to buy than toys!!!