Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

smelling the flowers

Out walking in front of our house...her new thing is holding our hands.  I love it.

Smelling the flowers my husband bought for me for our yard - an early anniversary present.  

She's very serious about the smelling...

Just too funny!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Every time our girl asks me for something, such as milk, with a sign or a point or whatever else, I say "You want some milk?"  She responds with a head nod and I say "Yes, please?"  It's my hope that she'll learn her manners and know to say "please" when asking for things.  Today was my prize.  She responded, "plth."  Very cute!  Really, I almost cried.  

Thursday, September 3, 2009

summer fun

Fun in the sprinkler!  She threw her bunny in first.  That's what she does when she's not sure about something - send bunny in to see if he makes it.  Hilarious!  

Just like everything else - it goes in the mouth.

Playing in the sandbox by herself like a big kid!

Just making faces at me from her crib.  What a sweet girl we have...