Saturday, April 25, 2009


We took Elsie to the Cougar Mountain Zoo today for her first zoo visit!  It was a bit cold at first but we had a blast and Elsie loved it.  She decided early on that she'd really prefer to walk rather than ride in the stroller.  She saw the reindeer first, pointed and said "woof, woof, woof."  Then the cougar: "woof, woof, woof."  (There's a theme here.)  Then the lemurs, "woof, woof, woof."  But of all the things at the zoo, she liked the rocks the best!  

Monday, April 20, 2009

And after the park......

.......she waters the flowers (or thinks that's what she's doing).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day at the park!

Finally we have some sun!  We took Elsie for her first real visit to the park on Wednesday.  She went on the swing and the slide but decided she liked having her feet on the ground and moving at full-speed.

She gave it a go but didn't much like the swing.  We were shocked because she's loves the flying games and the tumbling.  Someday, she will love this...

By far the best part of the trip - the wood chips!

Sittin' in the big-girl-chair for lunch with mom!