Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Little Butterfly

Happy Halloween!

Our little butterfly.

One last hug for bunny before the brave walk to 
Uncle Ed & Aunty Kel's door for her first trick-or-treat!

Okay, here we go!

Yep, I'm going!

This was our girl at the end of the night.  Done.
It was a busy night: 
1.  Trick-or-treat at Uncle Ed and Aunt Kel's, begging Piper to love her! 
2.  The grandparents at our house for the evening.  
3.  Elsie ate candy!  
4.  Made a brand new friend, Sophia, our new neighbor, and she quickly invited Sophia in for a tour of our house - most important was Elsie's room of course!  Adorable.  Fast friends.
5.  Trick-or-treating around the cul-de-sac.  
6.  More candy!  
7.  Finally....these eyes, begging for jammies and bedtime!
So much fun!  I hope everyone had a fun-filled Halloween!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I can't believe it's that time of year, but it is so we ventured to the pumpkin patch yesterday with Grandma and Papa.  When Elsie first stepped out of the car at Fall City Farms, she wasn't too sure about the place.  She warmed up rather quickly though when she saw the Fall City Farms welcoming committee - a sweetheart of a dog that greeted her with a tail wag and a kiss on the hand.  She grabbed her daddy's hand and with her new boots lead him to the fun - cows, goats, mud puddles and other kids.  Their were pumpkins there, too.

Perhaps the ugliest pumpkins I've ever seen - I love them!

Making monkey sounds.....not sure why but who cares!

Little heavy but she tried.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

smelling the flowers

Out walking in front of our house...her new thing is holding our hands.  I love it.

Smelling the flowers my husband bought for me for our yard - an early anniversary present.  

She's very serious about the smelling...

Just too funny!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Every time our girl asks me for something, such as milk, with a sign or a point or whatever else, I say "You want some milk?"  She responds with a head nod and I say "Yes, please?"  It's my hope that she'll learn her manners and know to say "please" when asking for things.  Today was my prize.  She responded, "plth."  Very cute!  Really, I almost cried.  

Thursday, September 3, 2009

summer fun

Fun in the sprinkler!  She threw her bunny in first.  That's what she does when she's not sure about something - send bunny in to see if he makes it.  Hilarious!  

Just like everything else - it goes in the mouth.

Playing in the sandbox by herself like a big kid!

Just making faces at me from her crib.  What a sweet girl we have...

Monday, July 6, 2009


Charles built a beautiful sandbox for Elsie and she loves it.  Actually, we all do...  We captured pictures of her first time in and I thought I'd share.  (And yes, it has a lid!)

Untouched, perfectly manicured sand, waiting for Elsie!

She needed a little convincing at first.

Ah, but took to it right away and wanted to share!

Content child.  Nothing better.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playin' in the water

We don't yet have a kiddie pool for our girl, so Elsie's gramma improvised with sand toys.  What fun they had.  Nothing was dry when Elsie was finished!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We took Elsie to the Cougar Mountain Zoo today for her first zoo visit!  It was a bit cold at first but we had a blast and Elsie loved it.  She decided early on that she'd really prefer to walk rather than ride in the stroller.  She saw the reindeer first, pointed and said "woof, woof, woof."  Then the cougar: "woof, woof, woof."  (There's a theme here.)  Then the lemurs, "woof, woof, woof."  But of all the things at the zoo, she liked the rocks the best!  

Monday, April 20, 2009

And after the park......

.......she waters the flowers (or thinks that's what she's doing).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day at the park!

Finally we have some sun!  We took Elsie for her first real visit to the park on Wednesday.  She went on the swing and the slide but decided she liked having her feet on the ground and moving at full-speed.

She gave it a go but didn't much like the swing.  We were shocked because she's loves the flying games and the tumbling.  Someday, she will love this...

By far the best part of the trip - the wood chips!

Sittin' in the big-girl-chair for lunch with mom!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Elsie turned one on January 27th!  We just can't believe how quickly the time has passed.  We had little party for her on the 24th, complete with fancy birthday cake (thank you, Tina!).  She was a great kid all day, even with all the excitement, balloons, presents, and sugar!  Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us, and thank you for all the wonderful gifts.  Happy birthday my sweet girl, we love you very much.