Sunday, September 7, 2008

We went to a wedding on Orcas Island this weekend and Elsie had her first ferry boat ride!  Bob and Lisa Rivers' son, Keith, married his girl, Leanne and we were among the fortunate few to be invited to attend.  We left at 6 am on Saturday morning to catch an early ferry out of Anacortes.  It was a beautiful, clear day for the crossing.  When we arrived on Orcas the sky was overcast a bit and there was a chill in the air.  By the time the wedding began at 4, the clouds had disappeared and it had warmed up nicely.  They exchanged their vows in a romantic ceremony at the Rivers' house with an amazing view of the water framing them and large pine trees rising up behind us as we watched.  The reception that followed was on the beach near the small airport on Orcas.  The sunset was absolutely amazing, turning the sky to the west bright orange, then red.  Breathtaking.  We turned in early and rose at 5 to catch the 7:15 ferry home.  We pulled in to our driveway at 10.....just in time to watch the Seahawks game.  Should've slept in!  The kicker of the whole weekend - we forgot to bring our camera.  Fortunately, my phone doesn't take horrible pictures so I've put together a little slideshow:

Monday, September 1, 2008