Monday, August 18, 2008

We've been so busy...

...over the last week so I'll try to keep it short.  Elsie went to her first wedding with us on Saturday and she was a great kid, only fussed toward the end of the ceremony, which was just about an hour long.  Sadly, we had to leave the reception early but she certainly enjoyed the attention she got while we were there, being the only baby in the place!

Elsie's now holding her own bottle!  Very exciting, though it takes longer for her to eat now.  She doesn't always want to do this herself, and that's fine because I still enjoy feeding her.

Grandma and Grandpa B bought her a jumper, too.  

She had to scope it out closely before deciding to like it.

Yep, she likes it.

Just had to share this picture.  I could not be more in love...

Friday, August 8, 2008

What is this funny stuff?

It's grass....and she loves it!  Another first for our girl.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Tooth!

Like a little razor blade poking ever so slightly from her bottom gum, Elsie has her first tooth!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Finally, Elsie's Blog!

Here's our girl!  Six months old now...I can't believe it.  We wanted to get this blog going much sooner so that we could capture and share everything about her as it came at us, but figuring out how to be her mom was all I wanted to focus on for a while.

We've just returned from our annual family vacation to Long Beach with the Searings - Elsie's first BEACH TRIP.  Lots of firsts for our girl on this trip: first road trip, first time seeing the ocean, first time feeling the wind on her face, first overnight away from her own room. She was a champ.  Happy all the time, she fully enjoyed everything we threw at her - even the beach fires!

The three of us in the cold wind on the beach.  Is it really July?

With her daddy.

At the Jetty.

With her....uh, second cousins?  Maybe it's first cousins, once removed.  
I don't know, we'll have to ask Katie.